Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Horizontal Organizational Structure- It's What's on the Horizon for Modern Businesses

As I continue in my job search, it feels as though each day I am familiarizing myself with the company culture of a different business. These institutions range from major corporations, to non-profit organizations, to creative advertising agencies; yet, each of these businesses has something in common, an employee-centered workplace. In fact, if I had to identify a modern trans-organizational trend from the perspective of a prospective employee, I would identify the promotion of employee satisfaction and retention as that major trend. Truly, it seems as though the primary focus of contemporary businesses, apart from profitable ventures, is the establishment of unique work environments in which satisfied employees strive to make their life-long careers. This model of business is known as the horizontal organizational structure. Horizontally structured businesses are beneficial as they "tend to have the best employee morale because there is less red tape when dealing with problems. Also, [they cost] less to run... because managers cost more than rank-and-file employees." Horizontal companies tend to have fewer, more agented employees than their vertically-structured business counterparts, and also place more emphasis on employee satisfaction. They usually boast a more laid back work environment, and "[emphasize] an employee-centered approach with emphasis on teamwork and collaboration." Advocates of horizontal business argue that it "allows for workers to focus and invest time and energy on company goals," and that this "teamwork is an essential practice in ensuring the [company] has cohesion to move [itself] forward." For a real world example, in the office building of one of the Chicago companies at which I applied for a summer internship, there is a company bar with an on-call company folk band. Employees are encouraged to gather here after work hours, relax, unwind, and get to know their co-workers on a more intimate level. It is aspects of the modern horizontal workplace culture like this that make businesses more fun and personal. This human touch to the historically cold company structure bodes well for the social involvement of modern businesses, and certainly eases my qualms about the doldrums of the 9-5 work day!

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

From Social Work to Social Doubt- It Seems Like the "ME ME ME" Generation is a Lot More Conscious Than They Thought

In this day and age, my generation (the post and post post Baby Boomers) has a reputation of entitlement, apathy and disinterest. We are painted as technology-obsessed, professionally incapable youngsters who's preference to binge watch five hours of Netflix rather than go ride a bike will lead to the end of the world as we know it. Truth is, we are different from our parents, just like our parents were different from their parents and so on and so forth. I may talk to my friends in the form of a text message more than I see them face to face, but who is to say that is bad, backwards or insufficient? The struggle to prove the worth and determine the essential identity of a generation is timeless feat. As I approach my college graduation and begin to have to think about marketing myself as a professional job candidate, I am forced to consider what I represent to "the real world." Do employers really think we are all lazy and self obsessed? Am I groomed to think I deserve more than someone else because I am simply me? Am I actually entitled, apathetic and disinterested? As I read the blogs of several of my classmates / generational peers, I must admit that I detect no such laziness and no such lack of social regard. In fact, across the different focuses, tones and overall themes of our class's blogs, I see one connecting factor, social concern. From Steph's "Social Work in the City," to Kevin's blog with a financial bent, "apparently college kids don't have any intelligent thoughts," one things connects all of our varied professional and academic interests. This common link is a desire to help our fellow man and to enhance the very fabric of our society, as only energetic and idealistic college students can do. Steph wants to become a social worker and help young children who have been robbed of a happy childhood. Kevin wants to improve the financial status of our economically challenged nation and to promote fiscal responsibility for all. These wide-ranging interests all stem from a humanitarian foundation, a focus upon which I am proud to say my generation has been exposed to since day one. We may send more Snapchats and post more Instagram photos than anyone could have ever predicted, but if my generation knows how to do one thing, it is how to appreciate and help the underdog (thank you Disney). Realizing that I am not alone in my career aspirations of helping people in any way that I can is so reassuring. Effecting social change through passionate work is truly a universal calling, even if for my generation the call comes via Skype or the iPhone 5.

Sunday, March 2, 2014

From "Favorite Things" to Foundations- My Woman Crush, Oprah Winfrey

In the words of the fabulous Ms. Oprah Winfrey, "you get from the world what you give to the world." From years of award-winning television, to countless philanthropic sponsorships, Oprah Winfrey has most certainly given more than her fair share of love to our world. Her most recent contribution, Oprah's Angel Network, is a public charity established to encourage people around the world to make a difference in the lives of others. The network initiates and supports charitable projects and provides grants to not-for-profit organizations around the globe that share in this same vision. Since its formation in 1998, the Angel Network has built over 55 schools in 12 countries, provided more than $1 million worth of school supplies to impoverished South African children, and inspired young people to become active, compassionate and knowledgeable global citizens. As such, the Network's charitable efforts are not only monetarily generous, but also seek to improve fundamentally the lives of those it serves through education and increased awareness. I admire Oprah on both a personal and professional level in so many different ways. Her dedication to improving the lives of others is perhaps my most "favorite thing" about Ms. Winfrey, and is truly the root of my so-called woman crush on her. It is one of my highest hopes that some day as I am walking the streets of my soon-to-be hometown Chicago, I run into Oprah maybe near the "all suite Omni Hotel located in the heart of Chicago's Magnificent Mile." We'll embrace and talk about how I live one block away from the Wisconsin high school she attended. Then, she will offer me a position on her Angel Network team, and I'll live happily ever after..... A girl can dream, right, Oprah?